The Linth - Escher - Foundation


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Last update September 2014
The Linth-Escher-Foundation has published up til today the following books and you may order them via this website.
You will receive your order by ordinary mail with a standard invoice. Members of the foundation will enjoy a 
discount of 15 %. Each new member of the foundation will receive free of charge the biography of 
Hans Conrad Escher von der Linth. 


The Oeuvre Catalogue

The complete Oeuvre by H.C. Escher von der Linth. 1062 Drawings, Views, Panoramas and Maps. Including CD-ROM with over 3000 Escher-Documents, and the two publications by Dr. Gustav Solar "Views and Panoramas of Switzerland" (english) and "Das Panorama und seine Vorentwicklung bis zu H.C. Escher von der Linth" (German)

deutsch / englisch

Edition Baeschlin Glarus. ISBN 3 - 85546 - 1208 - 1

Preis Sfr. 338.-- € 230.--



Please note that the following publications are all in German



First publication about the "Linth-Scheme". 144 pages and 66 illustrations. Published 1993 at Verlag Baeschlin Glarus.
ISBN 3 - 85546 - 068 - X

Price Sfr. 38.--




Reprint of the Eschers Biographie by J.J. Hottinger (1852). 464 pages. This book gives you a good idea about Switzerland around 1800. Published 1994 at Verlag Baeschlin Glarus.
ISBN 3 - 85546 - 071 - X

Price Sfr. 28.--




The autobiographie of Escher in 2 volumes. Completed by Dr. Gustav Solar an René Brandenberger. Limited edition of 300. The book is no longer availbable. However, for research purposes you may ask for it at the Linth-Escher-Bibliotheque.


Complet edition of Eschers political lectures at the Institut of Politics at Zurich. 3 volumes. 996 pages. Limited edition of 300.

Price Sfr. 78.--



Schindler, Escher und das "Haltly". 150 lettres written to Escher by Conrad Schindler during the construction of the "Linth-enterprise". 240 pages, 125 pictures. Published at Verlag Baeschlin Glarus.
ISBN 3 - 85546 - 107 - 4

Price Sfr. 38.--









Our Publications