The Linth - Escher - Foundation


Webdesign 2000 by Brandenberger©
Last update September 2014
The canton of Glarus joined the Swiss confederation in 1352. Its size is approximately 700 km2, 
but only one third is rural ground, the rest are mountains. In the year 2000 the population reached 
approximately 40'000 people. The main political institution is the so-called "Landsgemeinde". 
This is an annual event that takes place in May and everybody is invited to participate assembling 
at  the "Cercle" of Glarus. This is considered to be the most direct form of democracy and it is 
only found in the Canton of Glarus. No other canton in Switzerland or any other country worldwide 
gives more political rights to their people.

For further information about the canton of Glarus we recommand the publication
"Glarnerland - a short portrait"
by Josef Schwitter und Urs Heer
ask for the english edition!

ISBN 3 - 85546 - 111- 2

or visit Glarus the Internet:



A picture of the "Landsgemeinde" with its typical "Cercle" for the annual assembly of the population of Glarus
Picture by Urs Heer, Glarus
The canton of Glarus (Switzerland)